Buoyed up by my recent attempt at creating a newspaper style handout for our Skyless City Jadepunk campaign:
And a very interesting article that I read on Johnn Four's Gamesmaster Tips website (http://www.roleplayingtips.com/rpt-7-save-time-get-planning-done-campaign-newsletters/) about creating a newsletter for an RPG campaign I decided to float the idea of doing something similar for our Jadepunk campaign past my players (since i'm always banging the drum about getting ideas and collaborating with your players).
We've eventually ended up with the idea that we want a newsletter that has an issue released prior to every session containing the following contents:
- Random world factoids
- Legends & lore (story hooks)
- Rumours & gossip
- NPC profiles
Since our game is normally going to run every other week on Sunday evening (although we're having to juggle schedules a bit at the moment given the inevitable busiest of the festive/New Year period), i'm going to start trying to put out a 1 or 2 page newsletter the weekend after a session, this will not only give the players a week to read and digest the contents but will also encourage me to have stuff planned for the session a little in advance rather than leaving everything to the last minute (as I have been sometimes known to do).
My current plan is to save the newsletter as a PDF, upload it to my Google Drive and then make the links for the various issues available to the players (I may also publish them on this blog if there's any interest in people seeing them).
If anyone else has any experience (good or bad) with using campaign newsletters, let me know in the comments, i'd especially be interested to hear about the sort of things you put in a newsletter.
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