- NO video recording of the players was made
- Once the recording had been made the audio file was stripped out and the video (which mostly showed me since the laptop was facing me during the session) was deleted
- The recording WILL NOT be used in any way beyond assessing ways to improve the session and enhancing my note taking ability.
- Any recordings made WILL NOT appear on this blog or any other set up by myself.
- The ONLY session reports that will appear in this blog or on any other I set up will be written reports that do NOT feature the names of the players.
My main purpose of recording my sessions is because I don't want to hold up the action whilst I furiously scribble notes and (unfortunately) my memory isn't all that great, however making skeletal notes and listening to the sound file afterwards has already enabled me to write a much fuller report of last session.
It has also enabled me to highlight areas of possible improvement for the game.
- OOC chatter: An awful lot of OOC chatter went on during the session (I myself was as guilty of this), I intend to re-organise the playing space and have a couple of breaks so that we can confine OOC chatter to these breaks and keep more IC during the sessions.
- Rewarding good RP/selling other characters: The sound file makes it easier for me to pinpoint areas of exceptional RP that deserve reward.
- More detail required: It has become obvious that I need to put more detail into the areas and NPCs to give them more verisimilitude, it is my intent to begin this as soon as possible.