Saturday 15 February 2014

Ares' Legacy - Planning Session using Microsoft Onenote

Recently I ran a Fate Accelerated pulp-action game (think Indiana Jones or Doc Savage) for two fellow members of the RPG Brigade using G+ Hangouts on Air (video is available here); i'm always looking for new and better tools to improve my session planning and to help manage the job of running/preparing for a session, currently i'm reading "Never Unprepared: The Complete Games Master's Guide to Session Prep", released by Engine Publishing and written by Phil Vecchione and in it he talks about using various note taking software, one example being Microsoft Onenote. Now i've had a copy of MS Office for quite some time and had noticed Onenote but never really used it, so I decided that I would plan/run my Ares' Legacy session using it as a sort of tester for the software and how suitable it was for my GM-ing style.

The game seemed to go really well and I will certainly be using Onenote in the future due to it's ease of use and flexibility; for anyone who is interested I have uploaded a copy of my notes for the session (in pdf format) to my Google Drive, link below:

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